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1064 Page 1 - has 12 Assorted Clips from the early 1990's.
(see 1064 Page 2         )         
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Collect the ones you want  - before this website expires. XOX

NOTE - These video pages work best on a desktop/laptop or tablet. Smart phone capabilities are limited.

Tie My Shoe (5 minutes) 1991
Lunch  (8 minutes) 1991
Speedbag  (6 minutes) 1991
Car ride/Lego (2 minutes) 1991
1064 Rooms (2 minutes) 1992
AFW   (:30 sec) 1992
Paint & Bath
(11 minutes) 1992
17 p1 w/Ozzy ( 3 minutes) 2004
17 p2 w/Ozzy (1.5 minutes) 2004
Fishing + (5 minutes) 1992
Volleyball (6 minutes) 199?
3 Birthdays (5 minutes) 199?
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